The most common question I get from younger athletes is how do I gain weight? Most of these people tell me they eat a lot but just don't get bigger. THE SCIENCE OF MASS To pack on size, it's critical you do three things very well: train hard, eat like crazy and get enough rest. If you lack in any of these factors, your progress will suffer. Assuming you train hard and rest well, you need to maintain a positive energy balance in order for your body to grow. In other words, you...
Hi all. This is a list of some of the benefits a person can receive from the use of a rebounder. It was compiled by Dr. Morton Walker. If you breeze through it you can miss some incredibly important stuff. I want to remind members that rebounding and chi'ing and anything that moves the lymph is a form of bio electric medicine as it provides an enviroment for the cells to work at capacity and to produce their own electricity and heal from within. If any of you have any knowledg...
It is my goal to help you make sense of all the fitness information that is out there today. So, if you want to burn fat fast follow these 14 tips! 1) Don't starve yourself! It's the worst thing you can do to your body. Starving yourself actually causes you to lose much more water weight and muscle than fat. 2) No alcohol. It's like drinking liquid fat! Alcohol almost totally inhibits your body's ability to burn fat. Plus, it causes you to make poor food choices. 3) Perform ...
I have been ask many time by women. How do I tone up? Then I hear "But, I don't want to get bulky!" Mind you that this question is ask by women that are OBESE. Then I show them a picture of a female bodybuilder Do you mean like this? Immediately they say, "Yes! That's too big." My reply is. "How much do you weigh?" I Asked. Had one lady replied, with hesitation, "about 180 pounds." Mam," I said, "your arms are as big as my arms and your calves are what, 20 plus inches! You are already b...
Sports nutrition is almost always the neglected factor when someone isn't making any progress with their fitness training. And why shouldn't it be? It can be quite confusing. But understand that without a grasp of proper muscle building and fat burning nutrition, you won't be able to make the progress that you desire, and you won't reach your potential. With a well implemented sport nutrition plan, you'll be on your way toward achieving your fitness goals. Why does sports nutrit...
Here's a short checklist of reasons that your fat loss progress may be stalling. 1) Too Many Carbohydrates. This doesn't mean you have to eliminate carbs from your nutrition plan. However, any additional carbs above and beyond those needed to saturate your muscles with glycogen have a good probability of being stored as body fat. Weight training does require a higher carb intake. But most people don't train intensely enough for the amount of carbs that they take in. 2) S...
Everyone from chess and violin players to dancers and professional athletes can benefit from training to become stronger. Lifting weights to develop large strong muscles can improve coordination, make you faster and more flexible as well as stronger. It will not interfere with the coordination that you need for such fine muscle movements as playing the piano or shooting a basketball or your softball swing. Weight training will help allot if you play softball or baseb...
If you've been working out with weights for any length of time, you know the importance of supplying your body with frequent feedings of quality protein so that your body will be able to have the necessary building blocks to build muscle in the shortest amount of time possible. How much protein should you be consuming each day? Well, that debate has been raging for many years. Eventually, the mainstream will accept what those in the bodybuilding community have known for a long, l...
Traditionally, women have been reluctant to engage in resistive exercise, for several reasons. First, many women fear the possibility of gaining significant amounts of bodyweight, and/or taking on male characteristics. This fear is reinforced when women see their peers in strength and power sports such as weightlifting, bodybuilding, and the throwing events in track & field. An additional factor to consider is that women, by virtue of their high proportion of slow-twitch muscle fibers and ...
Sure, it can reduce your dress size but there's plenty of other reasons to get to the gym. Size six. Size six. Size six. For many women, that is the sole mantra they use to motivate themselves to exercise. While a smaller dress size is certainly a great reason to hit the gym more often, it's not the only perk to working out. Getting regular exercise? Cardiovascular activity, plus strength-training and a bit of flexibility work can give you a boost in lots of other little ways, too.
Losing fat in my opinion is not all that difficult. You need to possess 5 Strategies and apply all 5. They are: 1. A Compelling Reason To Change 2. Proper Nutrition 3.Progressive Resistance Training 4. Moderate Aerobic Exercise 5.Consistency 1. A Reason To Change: To make a successful body transformation, you must first and most importantly have a desire to change. And that desire must be fueled with a reason to change. This reason cannot be any old reason. It has to b...
The Key To Losing Fat and Keeping it Off I've said it over and over and over again that the key to losing fat, reshaping your body and keeping the fat off is weight training and not aerobics. This viewpoint has been confimed by a new study in The Journal of Anthropological and Applied Human Science. The study compared three different groups - a non exercise control group, an aerobics only exercise group and a group that combined aerobics and weight training. As I would expect, th...
Almost everyone should lift weights. Weight lifting strengthens bones, muscles ligaments and tendons, increases coordination for tasks requiring strength, and gives confidence and mobility to disabled people. Just exercising doesn't do much to strengthen muscles. If it did, marathon runners would have the largest muscles. To become strong, you have to exercise your muscles against progressively greater resistance, such as lifting heavier weights. Just exercising doesn't strengthen ...
There are many, many benefits to regular physical fitness. Benefits of exercising range from the obvious: -lower body weight -decreased risk of diseases -lower body fat -improved physical appearance And the less known benefits: -reduced instances of depression -more positive self-esteem -better sleeping patterns -more energy & stamina Read below for some highlights of why working out is so important and beneficial to everyone! Strength Training helps increase your meta...
Why do well conditioned adults drop dead during or shortly after exercise? Work out, run, sweat, then rehydrate after a long physical workout with plain bottled water and you may end up grabbing your chest as your heart flutters out of control. Bottled water can't be held responsible for something it doesn't supply, an essential mineral that could eliminate or minimize the risk for sudden death heart attack. It's ironic that while lack of physical exercise may be a leading risk facto...