Published on March 6, 2005 By Ancient Wisdom In Health & Medicine

Why Is The FDA Working To Keep This Vital Life-Saving Knowledge A Secret
From You?

Incredibly, the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has now ruled
that you cannot be told about the amazing and potentially life-saving,
infection-fighting properties of colloidal silver. Yet, since its
discovery over 90 years ago, colloidal silver has saved more lives from
deadly infections than any other natural substance in existence.
Hundreds of studies conducted over the past 90 years at top medical
universities in both Europe and America have confirmed the phenomenal
infection-fighting powers of this safe, proven all-natural antibiotic
substance. In fact, at Syracuse Medical University it was demonstrated
by Dr. Robert 0. Becker, M.D. and his colleagues that colloidal silver ions can
kill many of the deadly infectious microorganisms that no longer respond
to prescription antibiotic drugs! And in laboratory tests colloidal
silver has been demonstrated to kill over 650 different disease-causing
pathogens -- amazingly, most of them die within six minutes of direct
contact! FDA Acts to Restrict Information About Colloidal Silver's
Powerful Infection Fighting Properties! Yet the heavy-handed people at
the FDA don't want you to ever discover this vital and potentially
life-saving information about colloidal silver. In fact, late last year
they passed a brand new "Final Ruling" that effectively restricts the
American public from learning the full truth about the powerful
infection-fighting properties of colloidal silver! The new FDA ruling
places severe restrictions on what can be said about colloidal silver in
advertising and labeling.

In fact, in spite of its medically documented 90-year history of safe
and effective use, the FDA has now ruled that colloidal silver can no
longer be sold in the United States if it is described as an infection
fighting agent! Instead, it can now only be described as a "mineral
supplement." If it is described as anything else in the advertising and
labeling, the FDA can shut down the offending company and confiscate its
inventory! In essence, the FDA has ruled that the American public no
longer has the right to know what a powerful and medically proven
infection fighting agent colloidal silver is!

on Mar 06, 2005
I read last week an article on colloidal silver, where hundreds of Hepatitis C sufferrers took the colloidal silver (the amount and type varied) and they had huge changes for the better in their lab stats, and some reported testing negative after taking it. Everyone who wrote agreed that almost immediately they felt better - more energy and less pain. I am going to talk to my Liver Doctor about it next week.
on Mar 06, 2005
I read last week an article on colloidal silver, where hundreds of Hepatitis C sufferrers took the colloidal silver (the amount and type varied) and they had huge changes for the better in their lab stats, and some reported testing negative after taking it. Everyone who wrote agreed that almost immediately they felt better - more energy and less pain. I am going to talk to my Liver Doctor about it next week.
on Apr 04, 2005
look up "argyria" on the internet and its connection to colloidal silver. While I am a holistic health practitioner, there's actually a reason in this case why colloidal silver hasn't become mainstream.