Published on March 4, 2005 By Ancient Wisdom In Health & Medicine
Those who study the Science of Astrology fully understand how the
position of the planets at the time of one's birth greatly affects so
many years of that person's life.

A person's horoschope not only influences the personality and the life
course, but it also has a powerful effect upon a person's anatomy and
general health. This all ties in with the divine laws of reincarnation
and karma and how we have treated others, as well as, ourselves in other
lifetimes. This is the reason why we are not all born physically and
mentally perfect or the same social classes, race, gender, etc. All of
the great philosophers, spiritual teachers and healers of the past,
recognized the validity of these divine laws and spiritual truths. Quite
a portion of early Christianity believed in them as well, until they
were finally ruled out by the church at the Second Council of
Constantine, in the sixth century.

The great Greek physician Hypocrites (the Father of Medicine) fully
understood medical astrology. He once stated, "A physican cannot safely
administer medicine if he is unacquainted with Astrology.

Dr. Carl Jung, the noted psychologist, would even have a horoscope cast
for each one of his patients, in order to quickly diagnose the source of
their illness.

Astrology is not only a very fascinating science but a very in-depth
one, as well. In this article, i am going to provide a brief description of each of
the twelve signs and how each one of these signs effects that health and
anatomy of the human body.

ARIES: March 21- April 19.
Areas affected are the head, face, jaw, teeth and brain. Weakness:
Fevers, headaches, eye, ear, nose, and teeth problems, disorders of the
cerbo-spinal nervous system. Helpful Herbs: Ginko biloba, gotu kola,
ginseng, nettles, hops Cell Salt: Kali. Pho. (potassium phosphate).

TAURUS: April 20 - May 20.
Areas affected are the throat, neck, tonsils, and thyroid gland.
Weaknesses: Sore throat, goiter, croup, diphtheria, excess weight
problems. Helpful Herbs: Kelp, dulse, Irish and Icelandic moss, thyme, sage. Cell
Salt: Nat. Sulph. (sodium sulphate).

GEMINI: May21 - June 21.
Areas affected are the shoulders, arms, hands, lungs and nervous system.
Weakness: Tubeculosis, asthma, pleurisy, nervous afflictions, anema,
pulmonary troubles. Helpful Herbs: Lobelia, horehound, parsley, lady's slipper, caraway,
pleurisy root, and lavender.
Cell Salt: Kali. Mur. (potassium chloride).

CANCER: June 22 - July 22.
Areas affected are the breasts and stomach. Weaknesses: Indigestion,
chest and breast troubles, psychosomatic ailments. Helpful Herbs: Chickweed, sage, aloe vera, St. John's Wort. Cell Salts:
Calc. Fluor. (calcium fluoride).

LEO: July 23 - August 22.
Areas affected are the heart, back and spleen. Weaknesses: Heart and
circulatory problems, spinal disorders. Helpful Herbs: Hawthorn,
cayenne, mistletoe, tansy. Cell Salt: Mag. Phos. (magnesium phosphate).

VIRGO: August 23 - Sept. 22.
Areas affected are the intestinal track, liver and gallbladder.
Weaknesses: Intestinal ailments, constipation, dysentery, cramps,
colitis. Helpful Herbs: Fennel, licorice, sassafras, milk thistle, anise,
fenugreek, aloe vera, cascara sagrada. Cell Salts: Kali. Sulph (potassium sulphate)

LIBRA: Sept. 23 - Oct. 23.
Areas affected are the kidneys, pancreas, and solar plexus. Weakness:
Diabetes, kidney and bladder troubles, acid-alkaline balance. Healpful
Herbs: Blue violet, juniper berries, thyme, uva ursi, couch grass, cubed
berries. Cell Salt: Nat. Phos. (sodium phosphate).

SCORPIO: Oct. 24 - Nov. 21.
Areas affected are the sex glands and reproductive organs. Weaknesses:
Disorders of the ovaries, gonads, prostrate gland, uterus, and
reproduction. Helpful Herbs: Sarsaparilla (men) damiana, saw palmetto, dong quai
(women) Cell Salt: Calc. Sulph. (calcium sulphate).

SAGITTARIUS: Nov. 22 - Dec. 21.
Areas affected are the hips, lower spine, sciatic nerve, upper legs.
Weakness: Arthritis, back, lumbar and hip problems, hardening of the
arteries. Helpful Herbs: Burdock, comfrey, kelp, horsetail, oatstraw, chicory, and
dandelion. Cell Salt: Silica.

CAPRICORN: Dec. 22 - Jan. 19.
Areas affected are the knees and bones.
Weaknesses: Weak knees, brittle bones, joint troubles.
Helpful Herbs: Comfrey, alfalfa, horsetail, oatstraw, slippery elm,
Cell Salt: Calc. Phos. (calcium phosphate).

AQUARIUS: Jan. 20 - Feb. 18.
Areas affected are the lower legs, ankles, nervous system. Weaknesses:
Leg cramps, varicose veins. Helpful Herbs: Marigold, plantain, alfalfa,
witch hazel, comfrey.
Cell Salt: Nat. Mur. (sodium chloride).

PICES: Feb. 19 - Mar. 20.
Areas affected are the feet and ankles, lymph glands, immune system.
Weaknesses: Foot troubles, allergies, edema. Helpful Herbs: Iris moss,
blue velvet, echinacea, goldenseal, red clover, parsley.
Cell Salt: Ferrum Phos. (Iron phosphate) "

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