1. HEART ATTACKS: In My years of practice, and working with the people
and teaching, I have never on house calls lost one heart attack patient
and the reason is, whenever I go in--if they are still breathing--I pour
down them a cup of cayenne tea (a teaspoon of cayenne in a cup of hot
water, and within minutes they are up and around). This is one of the
fastest acting aids we could ever give for the heart, because it feeds
that heart immediately. Most hearts are suffering from malnutrition
because of processed food we are eating, but here it gets a good
powerful dose of real food and it's something that has brought people in
time after time. This is something that everyone should know how great
it is, because a heart attack can come to your friends or loved ones any
time. And even yourself. The warm tea is faster working than tablets,
capsules, cold tea, because the warm tea opens up the cell
structure--makes it expand and accept the cayenne that much faster, and
it goes directly to the heart, through the artery system, and feeds it
in powerful food.
2. STERILIZE AND STOP BLEEDING: The old herbalists claimed that cayenne
pepper (Capsicum or red pepper) should be poured directly into a fresh
wound, to sterilize and stop the bleeding.
3. MENSTRUAL CRAMPS: If a young woman has menstrual problems, she can
suspect that her female organs might not be in good condition. Although
it should be needless to say, we should avoid drugs in managing our
menstrual cramps. In order to treat the symptoms, some people favor red
raspberry tea, peppermint tea, camomile tea, or catnip tea. You can take
a capsule of cayenne with any of these to help warm the internal organs.
If the cramps are really severe, you can use cayenne ointment externally
on the abdomen to act as a counter-irritant, but be sure to cover the
application with gauze, as it can stain your underthings.
5. TINCTURE OF CAYENNE heals wounds, cuts through mucus, good for sore
throats, and tonsillitis; milder solutions can be used in the nose,
eyes, and ears for cleaning up microscopic "lounge lizards" in
infections. Has been successfullyused for resuscitation of newborn
infants; a few drops administered orally. The best and safest stimulant
known to man.
6. CAYENNE SALVE: It is excellent for stiff necks, sore muscles,
headaches, pain, stiff joints, arthritis, etc. The salve ingredients are
Olive Oil, African Birdpepper (Cayenne), Oil of Wintergreen, pure
distilled mint crystals and beeswax.
1. STOP BLEEDING: A wound, external or internal, will stop bleeding if
the individual will drink a cup of water (preferably hot) with a
teaspoon of cayenne pepper (red pepper) stirred into it. The bleeding
will stop generally by the time a person can count up to ten after
drinking the cayenne tea. The cayenne equalizes the blood pressure from
the top of the head to the feet. This keeps the pressure from the
hemorrhage area so it will clot naturally, which it cannot do with heavy
blood pressure pumping the blood rapidly at the hemorrhage area.
2. NOSEBLEEDS: A teaspoon of cayenne in a cup of water (hot preferred)
taken internally will stop most nosebleeds quickly. In an emergency such
as this we use cayenne. As mentioned a teaspoon of cayenne pepper in a
glass of water and drunk right down will stop a nosebleed in nearly
every instance, by the time you can count to ten. This is not a miracle;
it is the principle of the cell stimulant cayenne traveling through the
entire blood stream and regulating the pressure so the pressure of the
flow is the same in the feet as in the head or any other part of the
body. This takes the heavy pressure off the hemorrhaging area and
allowing a quick coagulation.
1. EYES: Cayenne is also used for eyes, however extreme that might
sound. Dr. Christopher recalled a student of his standing in front of a
lecture and throwing a pinch of cayenne into one eye. Dr. Christopher
was sure the student had lost his senses! But in a few moments the eye
stopped watering, and it became clear, bright and healthy-looking. [This
is why Dr. Christopher has Cayenne in his Herbal Eyebright formula].
2. DEEP CUT: A person in our audience told how he had cut deeply with a
sharp instrument the inside of his hand, fingers and palm. The blood
spurted out in streams. He poured a large amount of cayenne pepper into
the wound, and within seconds the blood flow slowed down to congealed
dripping and the bleeding stopped entirely before many seconds had
passed. With a goodly amount of cayenne covering the wound, he then
wrapped it. He was so excited about the rapid results he could hardly
wait for the regular herb meeting. But, as he said, the "punch line" was
lost, because instead of a nasty ragged scar to show how severely he had
been hurt, the area was healed and there was no scar.
[Dr. Christopher¹s Newsletter 1-12]
3. ULCERS: A lady had been attending our herbal lecture series for some
One day she told us about her husband's severe case of stomach ulcers.
The recommendation from their doctor was to have part of his stomach
removed, but he said he would rather suffer the pain than risk such an
operation. He also refused his wife's suggestion to try cayenne,
ridiculing her studies. When he would see me in town, he would bellow,
"Hello, Doc! Killed anybody with cayenne, today?" He became so
obnoxious, I avoided him when I could. Months went by and one day I saw
him coming down the street toward me. I tried to avoid him but he came
"head on." This time I was amazed because there were no cutting remarks
or sarcasm. In fact, he was very apologetic and asked if he could talk
to me for a minute, and then told me this story: He had come home from
work one night, "sick enough to die," with stomach ulcers. His wife was
not home. He was in such pain he wanted to commit suicide. He went to
the medicine cabinet to find some kind of medicine poisonous and deadly
enough to kill him. But he discovered his wife had thrown out all the
old bottles of pharmaceutical medicine. All that was left in the
medicine cabinet were some herbs and a large container of cayenne
pepper. He was so angry that, upon seeing the cayenne, he figured it in
a large dose would kill him by burning him up. He took a heaping
tablespoon of cayenne in a glass of hot water, gulped it down and rushed
into the bedroom. He fell upon the bed and covered his head with a
pillow so the neighbors couldn't hear his "dying screams." The next
thing he knew, his wife was shaking him awake the next morning. She told
him he had slept all night (instead of being up every half-hour for
anti-acid tablets). To his amazement he discovered that the pain was
gone, for the first time in months. He continued using cayenne three
times a day faithfully.
4. BLOOD PRESSURE - Dr. Christopher's Own Story: I had hardening of the
arteries, during my 20 and 30 year span, to a point that it was very
severe. No insurance company at this time, would even take me for a
$1,000 policy. So you can tell how bad of a condition I was in. I was
quite concerned about it, and started using cayenne. I worked up to a
teaspoon three times a day, and I continued on from the time I was
thirty-five and am still using it. It was amazing! By the time I was
forty-five years of age, ten years after I had started using cayenne, a
group wanted me to have a $100,000 policy to insure them on a business
deal we were working out. I went for the examination.
Being this large a policy, the insurance company required two medical
doctors, each to give two physicals at various times (being four times
to have physicals with these two doctors). I took the examination and
one medical doctor when he got through, said, "Well, this is astounding.
I see your age is forty-five years, but you have the venous structure of
a teenage boy." He said, "This is excellent," and he gave me a clean
bill of health. I went to the other doctor and on his second examination
he did the blood pressure test on my arm. He pumped his equipment up
five different times and my arm was getting irritated by it, and I was
getting a little perturbed, and I said, "What's the matter, doesn't your
equipment work?" "Oh yes, it always has up till now, but I keep looking
at your chart and it says you are 45 years of age and yet your systolic
over your diastolic is absolutely perfect. I cannot comprehend it." I
said, "That's correct. It is perfect." And he also gave me a clean bill
of health. So I passed at 45 years of age for a $100,000 policy with a
good blood pressure showing, thanks to the cayenne.
I feel that it is one of our great herbs.
Note: Every reasonable care is taken over the information offered here,
however no responsibility or liability whatsoever will be taken for any
consequence relating directly or indirectly to any information,
treatment, or application of any recipes or tips presented herein.