This information is not intended to diagnose any health problem.
Woman Contracts Parasitic Worm In Her Brain From Pork Taco - ABC News reports April 10th, 2001
Myself and a handful of others, like Dr. Hulda Clark, have spent years trying to bring the parasite issue to the forefront of preventative & curative medicine. The good news is the medical field is slowly training their doctors once again on the health risks of parasites. Here's a quote from the 1997 edition of Diagnostic Medical Parasitology. "During the past few years, the field of medical parasitology has seen some drastic changes, including newly recognized parasites and an overall increased awareness of parasitic infections. We have seen organisms, like the microsporidia, change from "unusual parasitic infection" to
being widely recognized as one of the most important infections in a compromised patient."
I am looking at a medical textbook with over 900 pages describing all the different human parasites that people can get. I am going to list the subcategories here so you will get the idea of just how big and serious this issue is. Most Americans carry parasites and this is currently a serious health issue. Parasites are not meant to kill you, they just sit inside you and steal your nutrition. But, when a person gets weakened from another ailment the parasites can take hold and become life threatening. This is why EVERYONE with any health disorder should do an anti-parasite program at least once a year. Twice a year if you live with animals. People interested in maintaining good health should also do routine parasite cleansing.
-GIARDIA - infection rates - 2-15% in various parts of the world
-Cryptosporidium - Waterborne outbreak in Milwaukee, Wis. in the water supply in 1993 infected 300,000. Data indicates there are 500 million cryptosporidium infections worldwide.
-Genital Protozoa -*TRICHOMONAS - (5 million women and 1 million men in U.S. infected)
-Nervous System Protozoa
- * NAEGLERIA FOWLERI - Closely resembles bacterial meningitis but is a protozoa found in moist soil and fresh water. Acute suppurative infection of the brain and meninges.
-Tissue Protozoa
- *ACANTHAMOEBA - These organisms invade the adrenal's, brain, eyes, kidney, liver, pancreas, skin, spleen, thyroid, and uterus.
- * PNEUMOCYSTIS CARINII - Recognized in recent years as an important cause of Pneumonia, particularly in AIDs patients.
- *TRICHINELLA SPIRALIS - From ingestion of raw or poorly cooked pork, bear, walrus, or other carnivores. They go through the lymphatic system to the muscles and invade the diaphragm, tongue, jaws, neck, biceps and gastrocnemius. These create cysts which are encapsulated by the host. In some cases calcification of the cysts occurs. This also causes weakening of the muscles.
- Blood Parasites*
- MALARIA - 300 million people per year infected. Blood born parasite transmitted by mosquitoes. It is not epidemic in the U.S. but is still considered a life threatening ailment for travelers
- *BABESIA SPP. First discovered in Texas cattle in 1888 and is now recognized as the cause of Texas cattle fever transmitted by ticks. Severe outbreaks have occurred in the northern U.S. The organism like Malaria infects the Red Blood Cells. This is potentially fatal.
- Intestinal Nematodes
- *ASCARIS LUMRICOIDES - Largest of the nematodes - Can go up to a foot in length. "The number of people infected in the world with this parasite is only second to the number infected with pinworms." Eggs hatch in stomach and the larvae invade the intestinal walls. Then they go to the lungs. Worms may migrate due to stimuli such as fever, general anesthesia, or other abnormal conditions. This migration can result in intestinal blockage and infestation of vital organs.
- *E. VERMICULARIS - The common pinworm. In most people the only symptom is an itchy anus, irritability and insomnia. These are very common and a quote directly from the text reads "You had this infection as a child, you have it now or you will get it again when you have children".
- *TRICHURIS TRICHIURA - Known as the Whipworm. These are about an inch long. They are rarely seen in the stool as they are attached to the intestinal walls. These contribute to anemia as they suck blood and also cause dysentery.
- *HOOKWORMS - Globally 900 million people have these. These little guys steal valuable iron. They can cause both mental and physical retardation.
- *TRICOSTRONHGYLUS SPP. Found in herbivores throughout the world. Grazing areas are constantly reinfected. Human infection of S. steroralis is acquired by skin penetration of the filariform larvae from the soil.
- Liver & Lung Trematodes or Flukes
- *Clonorchis, Opisthorchis and Fasciola are tremadodes that parasitize the biliary ducts and gall bladders of humans. Over 40 million people have acquired food borne trematode infections. Infections occur from Raw fish or uncooked water plants. Carried by dogs, cats and other fish eating animals.
- *PARAGONIMUS SPP. - Found in the lungs of carnivores and humans first detected in 1828. Light infestations are asymptomatic, although lung lesions may be noted on X-ray examination. Sometimes mistaken for cancer of the lungs. Eventually chronic cough develops with blood tinged sputum and vague chest pains. Estimates are 22 million people worldwide have these.
- Blood Trematodes or Flukes
- *SCHISTOSOMES have infected more than 200 million people worldwide. The spleen can become congested and increase in size. These can travel all over the body to most organs and can even cause seizures when they get into the brain. They have been reported to invade the spinal cord.
Believe me, I have spared you the real gory details. If this is not enough for you, I have some great links at the bottom of this page you can explore for more information and pictures! This is just a small sample of human parasites that are common. Many parasites are passed back and forth from your pets and livestock, so it is important to worm them as well.
Other parasitic infections you pick up from contaminated water, food, insect bites, walking on the ground... They are just everywhere and something you have to understand as a reality. They simply need to be detoxed on a regular basis if you want to stay healthy.
Many diseases in this country are misdiagnosed and treated without the first thought that there may be a parasitic connection. This, in my opinion, should be the first problem treated in all patients. To be fair here, I do have to explain that because our current medical system is not designed to treat anything without a clinical/laboratory diagnosis, it is virtually impossible at this time for the lab work to be done on all the various parasites.
Stool testing is very labor intensive and requires a technician to spend at least 1/2 hour per sample. There is simply not the man power to do this on a large scale.
Now many parasites can not be found in the stool. Liver flukes, blood born, etc. simply will not show up that way. So this has been a real problematic issue for the conventional medical system. The other problem the conventional medical field has is their treatments. There is no known drug available for tapeworms due to the fact that they are so well suited to our body that you literally have to kill the patient to get the worm.
They did have a treatment that aggravated the tapeworm but Dr's had to keep check on the patient to see if the head had come out, so it could be removed.
So, the drugs they have to kill parasites, in most cases, have to be at such a high toxic level that the risk is not worth it, especially in a patient that is already sick. With that aside, I would like to say that doctors simply denying the health risks of parasitic infections have been a huge mistake. They should have looked to natural anti-parasite formulas along time ago. Parasites are the cause of hundreds of misdiagnosed ailments. Diabetes complications have been closely linked to a parasite from cattle that
infects the pancreas. Many asthmatic patients actually have lung worms. Many liver diseases are actually liver fluke infestations. Some heart problems are actually due to heart worms.
Fortunately throughout the clinical research work in Mexico with American Biologics and also Hulda Clark, we have natural remedies that are non-toxic and effective against most of these parasites.
Do not do a parasite program if you are pregnant
In the U.S. diarrhea caused by intestinal parasites is the third leading cause of illness. Gas, diarrhea, chronic constipation, bloating, fatigue, skin rashes, nail biting, mood swings, insomnia, dry skin, brittle hair, hair loss, weight gain, bad breath and muscle cramping are a few common symptoms. Because parasites can occur anywhere in the body, the symptoms can as well. Parasites contribute to major diseases including Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, arthritis, and rheumatoid
symptoms, diabetes, some heart disease, asthma and others.
No you don't there are herbal formula's at most herb stores that are safe and should be used at least 2 times a year, along with a colon cleanse to keep you healthy all year...And also worm ALL your animals and children.
Note: Every reasonable care is taken over the information offered here, however no responsibility or liability whatsoever will be taken for any consequence relating directly or indirectly to any information, treatment, or application of any recipes or tips presented herein.
Many of the conventional doctors will laugh you out of the office if you even suggest it anyway.